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Författare Ämne:  PDF-filer Alternativ anknytning  (läst 45942 gånger)

Non Profane

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    • Dalarna
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« Svar #40 skrivet: 07 okt-08 kl 19:50 »
Mycket läsvärd blog, dock på engelska.

SurvivalBlog is dedicated to family preparedness, survival, self-reliance, and self-sufficiency.



  • Inlägg: 2561
    • Blekinge
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« Svar #41 skrivet: 20 sep-09 kl 00:39 »
'The 10 Bushcraft Books' by Richard Graves



Eulalia II

  • Inlägg: 1588
    • Södermanland
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« Svar #42 skrivet: 29 okt-09 kl 10:52 »
Barrel-ponics by Travis W. Hughey

"If you are looking for an introduction to aquaponics that is simple to build, fun
to watch and demonstrate to friends and family the joy of soil less gardening.
This small unit may be for you. It is capable of growing various vegetables and
herbs and would be a wonderful addition to the home kitchen as a source of
fresh herbs and occasionally (depending on the species used) a fish or two.
What it most likely won't do is provide the vegetables to sustain someone on it's
own. That is for a much larger system. Fish production is also limited because of
the small size of the unit. The actual production possible is mainly dependant on
the operators ability to manage it. I have personally grown tilapia in this system
to about 1/2 Lb. Not a lot of them, just a few. I have grown tomato plants and
papaya trees in this system with nothing more than 4 each of 1/2Lb. tilapia as
the nutrient source. Remember this is not magic. This systems fish tank at the
lowest point in the cycle will only have a little over 20gal. of water in it. In my
opinion it's simply not practical in the real world to grow high densities of fish and
have a system that is forgiving at the same time. This unit is specifically
designed as an introduction to aquaponics and to make one familiar with the
principals involved with minimal expense. It is very adaptable to situations where
conventional electric pumps may not be practical. This is all about learning fun
and not intended to be a commercial unit in itself although I believe the principles
can be enlarged to do so. Please read this material in it's completion before
attempting to build this unit. If you are unfamiliar with something don't worry
about it too much. It will come clear as the project progresses."

It was but yesterday I thought of myself a fragment quivering without rhythm in the sphere of life. Now I know that I am the sphere, and all life in rhythmic fragments moves within me.
~ Kahlil Gibran~

Hundens Husse

  • Inlägg: 243
    • Västergötland
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« Svar #43 skrivet: 21 jul-10 kl 21:46 »
Tänkte att jag kan ju lägga in den aktuella länken till Anna-Majs bok "Ekologisk odling och självhushåll på kvinnligt vis" här också. http://www.alternativ.nu/annamaj/
Han tomten med långt hår och två stora hundar i det röda huset vid ladan.


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  • Haui that Skanunga ærliki mææn toco vitar uræt ald
    • Halland
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« Svar #44 skrivet: 10 feb-15 kl 03:37 »
En handbok från förr i tiden som kan intressera den som gillar gamla sågar och yxor.

Denna bok är utgiven av FÖRENINGEN SKOGSARBETEN
Skogs- och flottledsinspektören har granskar texten till de i kapitel III använda propaganda-skyddsbilderna, vilka välvilligt ställts till förfogande av Föreni
ngen för Arbetarskydd.


Daniel West

  • Inlägg: 2
  • Självhushåll och permakultur på Brynge Gård
    • Ångermanland
    • Brynge Gård
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« Svar #45 skrivet: 13 feb-15 kl 14:43 »
Liggtimmerhus: tillsyn och reparation kan laddas ner gratis här på Riksantikvarieämbetet:

En intressant bok för alla timringsintresserade!


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/ Maria

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