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Författare Ämne:  Urinsten:(  (läst 9329 gånger)


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SV: Urinsten:(
« Svar #40 skrivet: 30 nov-12 kl 23:26 »
 :'( Det är inte roligt att förlora en nära vän,  oavsett antal ben!  Jag vet att Ni kämpat hårt och mycket mer än vad Normal djursjukvård kan kräva.  Ni fick till sist mycket god hjälp, ja t o m den allra bästa som kan fås i Sverige.
Jag tror att NI fattade helt rätt beslut hur ONT det än gjorde i Er!  Dunders skador var för stora och hade dessutom pågått för länge.   Men Du gjorde helt rätt som talade med hans flock - både för deras och Din skull.

Jag kan dock inte avhålla mig från min käpphäst: Jag avråder från kastrering av getter b l annat av dessa skäl som vi sett här. OBS! INgen skugga faller över ER!!! Ni katrerade inte Dunder!

Med de bästa tröstekramar!  /Tt 
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SV: Urinsten:(
« Svar #41 skrivet: 01 dec-12 kl 14:55 »
Beklagar sorgen!

Ni gjorde verkligen allt ni kunde och stor cred till veterinären som endå försökte!

Jobbar med djur och barn, har själv häst, hund, kanin, getter och hamstrar, kika gärna på www.dvarggetter.n.nu :)


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SV: Urinsten:(
« Svar #42 skrivet: 02 dec-12 kl 10:42 »
Urinsten. Kursiveringarna är mina. Jag har kortat av texten och lagt in någon kommentar inom parentes. (tennesseemeatgoats.com)

Urinary Calculi, commonly known as "Water Belly," is a urinary-tract disease in goats. Urinary Calculi prevents both urination and breeding in males. Female goats can but seldom do contract Urinary Calculi because of the straightness and shortness of their urethra. The twists and turns of the longer male urethra make passing solid particles difficult at best and impossible at worst. Urinary Calculi is a disease that can and does kill goats quickly.

Urinary Calculi is almost always the result of improper feeding. A proper calcium to phosphorus ratio in feed, hay, and minerals is critical; this ratio should be 2-1/2 to 1. Although the disease is called Urinary Calculi, the real culprit is phosphorus -- specifically too much phosphorus in relation to the amount of calcium in the diet. Feeding too much grain concentrates and/or feeding grain concentrates with an improper calcium-to-phosphorus ratio is a major cause of Urinary Calculi. Overfeeding or improper feeding of grain concentrates causes solid particles to develop in the urine; these solid particles block the flow of urine out of the goat's body, causing great pain, discomfort, and oftentimes death.

Besides grain concentrates, there are other factors affecting the calcium-to-phosphous ratio in the goat's diet. If the minerals being fed have the proper calcium-to-phosphorus ratio and the goats are not being fed a diet heavy in grain concentrates, then the producer should have both water and hay tested for mineral content. Many types of hay (Bermuda is one example) are high in phosphorus. Hay fertilized with chicken litter will be even higher in phosphorus levels. Adding calcium carbonate (ground limestone) to goat minerals can help bring the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio back to the 2-1/2 to 1 range. However, it is essential to work with a goat nutritionist to find the right amount of calcium carbonate to add to the mineral mixture to get these ratios on target.

Young wethers (castrated males) are especially susceptible to Urinary Calculi. Castration stops both testosterone production and the growth of the urethra. Solid particles cannot pass through a urethra that has not been given the opportunity to grow to its normal diameter. The chance of contracting Urinary Calculi in male goats can be reduced by not wethering (castrating) them until they are five to six months of age -- giving the diameter of the urethra time to grow.  

Urinary Calculi requires immediate medical attention. This condition will not correct itself and if left untreated, the goat will die. Symptoms of Urinary Calculi include tail twitching in males, restlessness, anxiety, and a "hunched-up" body posture as the goat strains to urinate. Sometimes the producer mis-diagnoses the problem as constipation or bloat because of goat's behavior and body stance. The producer should closely examine any male exhibiting these symptoms. Watch for signs of difficulty with urination.

To examine the penis by extending it out of the urethral shaft, sit the goat on its rump for easier handling and manually work the penis out of the shaft for visual examination. This can be impossible to do in goats wethered very young because the penile shaft may still be adhered to the urethral process -- one more drawback of wethering at a very young age. (A sign of sexual maturity in a buckling is his ability to extend his penis out of the shaft.) Before a male can be catherized to relieve a build-up of urine, the pizzle must be cut off (av veterinär).  The pizzle is the "curley-qued" appendage on the end of the penis. Removal of the pizzle does not affect breeding ability. The goat must be taken immediately to a qualified veterinarian; the need for surgery under sedation is likely. If the producer waits too long, surgery won't save the goat. Surgery is no guarantee that the goat can be saved.

Do not force a goat with Urinary Calculi to drink lots of water; if fluids can't leave the body because the exit is blocked, the only alternative is for the bladder to burst. A burst bladder cannot be fixed and is fatal. In many cases within 24 to 48 hours after the onset of Urinary Calculi the untreated goat's bladder will usually burst and the flow of urine into the sub-cutaneous tissues on the underside of the body ("Water Belly") will precede a quick and painful death. Administer Banamine (1 cc per 100 lbs bodyweight daily) for the pain that accompanies Urinary Calculi.

Vets recommend that ammonium chloride be used to treat Urinary Calculi. Here are the dosing instructions provided to me by a producer who has been successful in using Ammonium chloride to cure Urinary Calculi. Mix the following in 20 cc water and orally drench: One (1) teaspoon Ammonium chloride per 75 lbs bodyweight every 12 hours for 2 days, then 1/2 tsp AC per 75 lbs bodyweight every 12 hours for the next 3 days, then 1/2 tsp once a day for 3 days, then 1/4 tsp daily as a preventative. Dosages are based upon 75 lb liveweights. Ammonium chloride burns the throat, so stomach tube it into the goat.

The goat must be taken off all grain concentrates and offered only grass hay, fresh green leaves, and water during this treatment. This is not usually a problem since the goat is so sick that it is struggling to live and isn't interested in eating or drinking. Immediate veterinary assistance is highly recommended when Urinary Calculi is suspected.

Occasionally -- very occasionally -- Urinary Calculi may be the result of the mineral content of the water that the goat is drinking. The local county extension office should be able to test the water to determine mineral content. The producer can easily test the pH of the goats' water supply by purchasing a fish-tank testing kit. The water's pH should be neutral (a pH of 7).

The key to avoiding Urinary Calculi is feeding the goat a proper diet. Producers experiencing Urinary Calculi in their goats must change their feeding regimens. Carefully read feed labels for proper calcium-to-phosphorus ratios (2-1/2:1). Most importantly, offer lots of free-choice forage/browse and good-quality grass hay and reduce the amount of grain concentrates being fed.  

« Senast ändrad: 02 dec-12 kl 11:06 av Sussilo »


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