I "Goat Husbandry" (D. Mackenzie), kapitlet om olika foders smaklighet för getter kan man läsa:
(Mina parenteser).
"Of the straws, well-got (välskördad) pea and bean straw are rich in minerals and well liked. Good oat straw (havrehalm) is quite palatable (smaklig) as inferior hay, and for the goat probably has a higher feeding value. Goats eat the head of each oat straw and reject the butt; they eat clean chaff (hack) with better appetite and little waste. Other cereal straws are not well liked." ..........
"The most important single factor in the diet is well-got hay, preferably a sample with some clover and herbs in variety; it must be sweet-smelling and leafy, or the goats will refuse it. Vary in winter with first-class oat straw"..... "Clean-got oat straw is very popular, makes a change and saves hay."