
Björkelund 2020
Album - Ägare: Hoboflix - 15 föremål
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Friends for the Garden party
okt 16, 2020
Half busy... Potato harvest.
okt 16, 2020
Field stones and cement. Should hold roughly 4000 liters of rain water.
okt 06, 2020
Camp at the lake
okt 16, 2020
Pond dig
The Småländsk rocks kept us from completion this year. We shall overcome...
okt 16, 2020
Maximus and his Ladies
okt 16, 2020
One of the Huegelbeds
okt 16, 2020
Garden Entrance
okt 16, 2020
...still digging.
okt 16, 2020
The neighbours prepared some pike for dinner.
okt 16, 2020
Garden rave preparations...
...the dancefloor.
okt 16, 2020
20201011 092259
okt 11, 2020
Fresh fish
Perch and Pike from our Lake.
okt 16, 2020
Chicken house
maj 08, 2020
The Harvest
sep 19, 2020
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