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Författare Ämne:  Aronia? Oxbär? Hjälpa med identifiering?  (läst 1990 gånger)

Fanny Forager

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Aronia? Oxbär? Hjälpa med identifiering?
« skrivet: 13 aug-14 kl 05:25 »

We just moved into a new house last month and on the south side of the house there is about 10 meters of a tall hedge.  They are about 2 meters high, the leaves are alternate (and glabrous, I think) and now there are dark purple to black coloured berries in clusters.  We did not live here when they were in bloom so I have no idea what the flowers looked like. Also, some of the leaves are turning red.

Are these Aronia or maybe Oxbär?

Thank you very much for any help! :)


  • Inlägg: 3488
SV: Aronia? Oxbär? Hjälpa med identifiering?
« Svar #1 skrivet: 13 aug-14 kl 06:49 »
Aronia, if they are to be used in the household they might be better after freezing. They are otherwise very sour and tart, the name "Chokeberry" fits well! The leaves will turn to very pleasant orange/red in September

Fanny Forager

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SV: Aronia? Oxbär? Hjälpa med identifiering?
« Svar #2 skrivet: 14 aug-14 kl 08:52 »
Thank you, Kurt! I was hoping for Aronia! But--are there any dangerous ''look alikes'' in Sweden? From what I could tell, oxbär was the one that mainly gets confused with Aronia.  I checked on giftinformationcentralen.se and they list both Aronia and oxbär berries as harmless.  I just want to be 100% sure, I am very cautious with plants I am not familiar with.  Overly so, I'd imagine.

Also, are they usually this abundant? Or is this just a particularly good year for Aronia, because there are so many berries on these bushes that I filled up a large collander in ten minutes---and only from one small section of the bush!


sonja på slätten

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SV: Aronia? Oxbär? Hjälpa med identifiering?
« Svar #3 skrivet: 14 aug-14 kl 09:17 »
Abundance is normal.
And picking very easy.

The yield is not as big as it looks though.
Uppfödare av DVÄRG-KOCHIN och DVÄRG-WYANDOTTE  sedan mer än 20 år.  Ägare till en underbar långhårscollie.


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