nogra citat;
Ordet kompost härrör från latinets compostere som betyder att blanda, lägga ihop. Att ett
material komposteras innebär att det genomgår en kontrollerad biologisk nedbrytningsprocess
under aeroba förhållanden med hjälp av mikroorganismer (Ljunggren, 1997). Även om
processen är aerob så deltar även anaeroba mikroorganismer under processen (Gajdoš, 1997).
Varmkompostering innebär att en viss temperatur med dess särskilda mikroliv uppnås. De huvudsakliga produkterna som framställs i den aeroba
nedbrytningen av organiskt material är värme, vatten och koldioxid (Haug, 1993). I en anaerob
nedbrytning, även kallad förruttnelse, framställs främst metan, koldioxid, organiska syror och
alkoholer. D
Det frigörs betydligt mindre energi i en syrefri nedbrytning och nedbrytningen
avstannar i ett tidigare skede (Haug, 1993; FAO, 2003). Författaren menar vidare att actinomyceter och
streptomyceter som återfinns i maskexkrement producerar antibiotika som dödar skadliga
svampar och anaeroba bakterierDen enda metoden som inte innebär någon som helst
omrörning är bokashimetoden, där eftersträvas en så anaerob miljö som möjligt och en
omrörning skulle störa mikroorganismerna
Biogas from sewage sludge treatment is sometimes used to run a gas engine to produce electrical power, some or all of which can be used to run the sewage works.[82] Some waste heat from the engine is then used to heat the digester. The waste heat is, in general, enough to heat the digester to the required temperatures.
In countries such as Switzerland, Germany, and Sweden, the methane in the biogas may be compressed for it to be used as a vehicle transportation fuel or input directly into the gas mains.[113] In countries where the driver for the use of anaerobic digestion are renewable electricity subsidies, this route of treatment is less likely, as energy is required in this processing stage and reduces the overall levels available to sell.[114]
The history of anaerobic digestion is a long one, beginning as early as tenth century BCE in Assyria where biogas was used to heat bath water.[125][126]] In 1778, the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), the father of Electrochemistry,[127] scientifically identified that gas as methane.[128] The first known anaerobic digester was built in 1859 at a leper colony in Bombay in India.[129]
Today, anaerobic digesters are commonly found alongside farms to reduce nitrogen run-off from manure, or wastewater treatment facilities to reduce the costs of sludge disposal.[126] Agricultural anaerobic digestion for energy production has become most popular in Germany, where there were 8,625 digesters in 2014.[125] In the United Kingdom, there were 259 facilities by 2014, In the United States, there were 191 operational plants across 34 states in 2012.[137] achieve the optimum biogas yield, the anaerobic digestion needs constant environmental conditions, preferably close to the process optimum. The digester temperature is of prime importance. In temperate areas, a heating system and an insulation of the digester is necessary. Hence, the needed temperature for digestion can be reached and a loss of energy by transmission is compensated.