A secure and healthy future “Neither
population growth nor economic growth are
sustainable! To have a secure future, humanity must
limit itself and its consumption.”
“It’s essentially easy: like the ex-smoker who gives himself and his surroundings better health each time he refrains.” |
resource and fossil free Climate
change and other harm to the planetary ecosystem are
caused by too many humans using too many resources!
Neither population growth nor economic growth are
sustainable! To have a secure and healthy future,
humanity must limit itself and its consumption. We
must do it now, before irreplaceable resources and
ecosystems are destroyed beyond repair (the more
destroyed, the less is left for us to live off of in
the future). A
great transition to a low
resource and fossil-free society is in progress, to a society
that can survive and thrive far into the future, and
all are called upon to help in the transformation.
It will take creativity, cooperation and
constructive choices. It may take decades and years
to accomplish, but the longest journey begins with
the first step: today. Each time we reduce our
consumption, we choose a better climate, healthier
planet and more secure and hopeful future for us
all. It’s essentially easy and self-rewarding: like
the ex-smoker who gives himself and his surroundings
better health each time he refrains from a smoke. Here are my
“basics”, you can make your own list: 1. Drive less Be creative, social, cooperative and
fair—create goodwill—there is only one planet to
share! Experiment and learn to be happy on a
shoestring! Have fun, keep up the good work, and good
luck! To help you measure your consumption
and resources, so that you see results and know that
you are successful, see Measuring
success and the checklists in the back of Ecology Begins at Home. To see how your actions
affect others, see How
to change the world. Copyright
2017 |