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Författare Ämne:  Gojibär?  (läst 3419 gånger)


  • Inlägg: 13
    • Dalarna
« skrivet: 10 maj-11 kl 17:28 »
Har sökt runt lite och letat efter hur man odlar gojibär men inte lyckats hitta någon bra info...
så nu ber jag er om hjälp,ni som provat på att odla gojibär själva

-När ska det sås?
-Vilket sådjup?
-Hur stor ska krukan vara (om man odlar i kruka) ?
-Soligt eller skugigt läge?
-Hur mycket vatten behövs (torrt,lätt fuktigt eller nästan blött) ?
-Krav på näring?
-annat som kan vara bra att veta

Tackssam för svar!


  • Inlägg: 2
SV: Gojibär?
« Svar #1 skrivet: 13 maj-11 kl 08:49 »
Sambon sådde gojibär i en kruka i fönstret. De kom upp efter en vecka ungefär. Är också intresserad av hur man bäst går vidare, kan man tex plantera ut dem eller bör de hållas inomhus i kruka?

Edit: fanns redan tråd om detta:
« Senast ändrad: 13 maj-11 kl 08:56 av horisontspanaren »


  • Inlägg: 10
  • Trädgårdsingenjör och sylt- och saftnörd.
    • Skåne
SV: Gojibär?
« Svar #2 skrivet: 13 maj-11 kl 21:02 »
Gojibär det samma som bredbladigt bocktörne (Lycium chinense) och bör inte blandas ihop med (L. barbarum). Den senare har långt många fler törnen och är ganska trist att handskas med (håller definitivt folk och fä borta. Ingen av dem är särskilt vackra, de blir stor och är inte vackra. Den virtuella floran skriver:
Beskrivning. Bredbladigt bocktörne är en lövfällande buske som kan bli upp till två meter hög och ofta skjuter rikligt med rotskott. Grenarna är långa och tunna, ofta bågböjda och har få eller inga tornar. Bladen är vanligen rent gröna, lansettlika, bredast nedanför mitten, och har helbräddad kant. Bredbladigt bocktörne blommar i juni-juli med lila till purpurfärgade blommor som sitter ensamma eller få tillsammans på skaft från bladvecken. Kronan är trattlik med stjärnformigt utbredda flikar. Frukten är ett rött eller rödgult bär.
Bredbladigt bocktörne är mycket lik bocktörne (C. barbarum) och den betraktas ibland bara som en namnsort av denna. Bocktörne har vanligen smalare, grågröna blad som är bredast omkring mitten, samt vanligen rikt torniga grenar.

Utbredning. Bredbladigt bocktörne är en odlad art som ibland förekommer förvildad i Sverige. Arten hör ursprungligen hemma i Kina. Första fynduppgift som förvildad är troligen en uppgift från Skåne som publicerades år 1866 (Hylander 1971).

Etymologi. Artnamnet chinense betyder 'från Kina'.

Den här informationen om odling hittade jag på en brittisk plantskola:

How To Grow Goji Berries

For plants received after the end of August we would recommend that you over winter in a cold greenhouse or on a light airy window sill and plant out the following Spring (around May time).

Goji Berries prefer a full sun or partial shade position and once established are wind tolerant and similarly salt wind tolerant. Once established they will prove frost hardy to at least -15°C but will similarly survive temperatures as high as 40°C. Goji's prefer a well drained rich soil but will perform well on lighter sandy soils - in some parts of the world they have been used as soil stabilisation plant; under no circumstances will they tolerate heavy soils prone to laying wet. They have good tolerance to drought but attention should be paid to watering in the first season after they are planted out.

Container Growing
Goji Berries can perform well if grown in a patio tub or container and should ideally be allowed to grow to a minimum height of around 3ft - 4ft and similar width in order that they can produce a worthwhile crop.

Do not over-pot your Goji plant as this may cause your plant's roots to become waterlogged; pot up into a container just one or two sizes larger and allow the plant to fully root out before re-potting into the next size up - continuing until you have reached your final chosen size of container. Any proprietary potting compost will be fine though we would always recommend the addition of a little horticultural grit to improve drainage, particularly if you choose to use a soil based compost such as John Innes or similar.

Long-term the ideal size of container would be something like a half-cut wooden barrel or similar. Good drainage is essential. Holes should be made in the base, and possibly in the sides at the base as well. Avoid standing the container where it will become waterlogged. Ideally the container should be stood on a couple of house bricks or gravel to assist drainage. A little brick mortar rubble in the bottom of the container to cover the drainage holes and to stop the soil falling through is recommended.

After their first full growing year, container grown plants should prove perfectly hardy and can be left out all year round - that said, as with anything container grown, Winter protection will improve Spring growth and ultimately yield.

Planting Out
Goji Berries will grow in most soil types, but will not tolerate wet soggy soils, and prefer a full sun position. If planting more than one allow a minimum of 6-8ft apart and remember that if you have room they can be allowed to grow to their full height of 8ft - 10ft.

As with many things in life, remember that a little extra care and time taken with planting out will pay dividends for many years to come Dig the ground over well and incorporate some organic matter such as well rotted manure (not fresh) or compost to give your plant the best start. Plant to the level the plant has been grown; firm in well and water if soil is dry. Under no circumstances should you use any stimulants, fertiliser or bonemeal at planting time as such products will 'burn' any new root growth and actually slow your plant's development

In the first growing season after planting it is vital to ensure the plant is adequately watered - and this is even more critical in extended dry periods or drought. When watering any newly planted stock a 'heavy soaking' once a week is favourable to a 'light shower' every day, and will encourage a good deep root system Keep the area around the base of your plant free of weeds and grass which would otherwise compete for both moisture and nutrients.

During the active growing season an occasional feed with our 'Instant Life' or a light top dress with a base fertiliser will prove beneficial. Under no circumstances be tempted to overfeed though

Pruning is best undertaken in the early Spring just as the plant breaks into growth. We would recommend pruning is kept to a minimum in order to maximise fruit yield - though Goji's will recover well from hard pruning.

Fruiting & Picking
Small purple and white trumpet flowers in Summer are followed by small oval berries that are orange red in colour; these can be harvested until the first frosts. It is better to shake the berries from the plant rather than picking by hand as this will cause the fruit to oxidize and become black in colour.


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