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Författare Ämne:  Vit italiensk gås  (läst 1476 gånger)


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Vit italiensk gås
« skrivet: 04 apr-12 kl 13:22 »
Det är svårt att hitta bra information om vit italiensk gås, trots att de vad jag kan förstå är väldigt vanliga som bas för att korsa fram produktionsgäss i Sverige. Renrasiga är dock svårare att få tag på. Jag har en liten grupp, och hoppas på att hitta mer info, samt att kunna utveckla de bra egenskaperna hus rasen, bl a antalet ägg per år. Mina honor är lite gamla, men ska efterhand bytas ut mot nya förmågor. Jag har två fina unga hanar födda förra året.

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WHITE ITALIAN (Anser anser)

The White Italian is a very popular breed in Europe and one often finds reference to it in the formation of local stocks. It is also a breed that has been well researched.   The White Italians reported on in this publication are those kept at the Koluda Wielka Experimental Station in Poland where they have been under genetic selection since the 1960s and where separate male and female lines have been developed. 

Goslings of both lines can be sexed during the first ten days of life on down colour, as males are lighter in colour than females. As the name indicates, the adult plumage is white while the shanks and beaks are orange. In the male line, the average body weight of males is 7.0 kg and of females is 6.5 kg, while in the female line the average is 6.5 kg for the males and 6.2 kg for the females.

Annual egg production for the male line is 55-65 eggs while for the female line it is 60-70 eggs and egg weight for both is 160-180 g. The White Italian, at least for these strains, has the highest egg production of any of the Anser anser type breeds. Thus these lines can be used directly as male and female lines  espectively to produce two-way commercial crosses or the female line can be used to produce a crossbred female parent line.

The White Italian and particularly these lines, is therefore one of the breeds of choice for anyone wanting to
produce geese for meat production.
Har nyligen köpt en liten gård på landet. Stora renoveringsbehov, stora möjligheter. Grönsaker, örter, träd och buskar. Bin. Amerikanska gula gäss, peking-, cayuga, welsh harlekin o myskankor, höns av diverse raser o vaktlar.


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